Everyone knows when an exec departure isn’t voluntary. While planned successions are apparently the most common, communications around forced successions are clearly the most fraught.
News & ViewsPrinciples of Reputation Management for New Executives
The reputation of the company often reflects that of leadership, executives need to cultivate tools that will enable them to sustain that excellent reputation.
Communicating your organization’s response to Washington’s evolving policy decisions
This article by Warren Cooper was previously published in ROI (roi-nj.com). To view it on that...
Five comms tips for managing morale after layoffs
Managing morale after announcing bad news is critical to a company’s long-term health. Remaining employees will be concerned about their own futures: Will their jobs be next on the chopping block?
Kessler PR Group adds legal journalist and political veteran to team
Download Word Document – KPRG New Hire Announcement 1.15.25 KPRG New Hire Announcement 1.15.25...
How a business continuity plan can support crisis communications
Having a business continuity plan in place often enables an organization in crisis to quickly make decisions, move forward and act with less internal strife.
Can good news sweep negative media coverage under the rug?
If the crisis issue is being covered by local or regional general interest media, it’s because the editors believe the crisis is of interest to their readers, the wider public.
Ignoring internal crisis communications puts bankers’ reputations at risk
Most banks have adopted a formal communications plan that features public-facing communications strategies for robberies, natural disasters, allegations of malfeasance, HR challenges, and anything else leadership might consider a crisis.
Karen Kessler, President of Kessler PR Group, accepts the Caren Franzini Award at the 10th Annual New Jersey Women Business Leaders Forum
This article was previously published in NJBIA (New Jersey Business & Industry...
Dodging the horns of a reputational dilemma: Avoiding comment on divisive social justice issues
As social justice concerns have come to occupy center stage of public discourse, leaders of all...