In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, author Douglas Adams writes, “Nothing travels faster than...
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Lights, Camera, Silence: “PR Guru” Karen Kessler discusses Alec Baldwin charges on NewsNation
Karen Kessler, president of Kessler PR Group, recently appeared on NewsNation’s CUOMO to explain...
How to Select a Spokesperson
The definition of what can be considered a crisis evolves year after year. For that reason, it is...
The Most Offensive Public Apologies of 2022
By Karen J. Kessler Google “how to apologize,” and you will find close to half a billion sites all...
Balancing Legal and Reputational Challenges During Litigation
One of the most challenging situations for clients is one that requires both legal representation...
Top Mistakes Organizations and Leaders Make When Addressing a Crisis
Businessman extraordinaire Warren Buffet famously said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation...
“Sorry” is the Hardest Word to Say: How to Accept Responsibility
If Elton John was right that “sorry seems to be the hardest word,” then it is no wonder why...