You can’t plan for a crisis. That’s what makes it a crisis, after all. However, you can do certain...
News & ViewsDo Respond to Bad Online Reviews – & Don’t Respond in These Ways
Imagine that you are the proud owner of a charming new coffee shop in your hometown. You’ve spent...
Don’t Panic: 6 Things to Do During a Crisis
Sometimes, experiencing a crisis in a business setting is simply unavoidable. Whether it’s an...
Who to Turn to in Times of Crisis
Do you know who to turn to in times of crisis? You need to have a plan. Organizations,...
How to Tell Clients the Truth
“The truth shall set you free,” they say, “but first it’ll make you miserable.” One of the most...
How to Deliver Bad News in a Good Way
In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, author Douglas Adams writes, “Nothing travels faster than...
Lights, Camera, Silence: “PR Guru” Karen Kessler discusses Alec Baldwin charges on NewsNation
Karen Kessler, president of Kessler PR Group, recently appeared on NewsNation’s CUOMO to explain...
How to Select a Spokesperson
The definition of what can be considered a crisis evolves year after year. For that reason, it is...
The Most Offensive Public Apologies of 2022
By Karen J. Kessler Google “how to apologize,” and you will find close to half a billion sites all...
Balancing Legal and Reputational Challenges During Litigation
One of the most challenging situations for clients is one that requires both legal representation...