Crises of all types tend to generate media attention. Because media outlets vie for “exclusives”...
News & ViewsHow to Protect Your Online Reputation
Protecting your reputation online is just as important as protecting it in the “real world.” It’s...
Don’t Say, “No Comment” – How to Handle Media Inquiries During a Crisis
Crises excite public outrage, media scrutiny, reporters’ accusatory questions, and a torrent of...
My way or my way: Netanyahu’s PR strategy gamble
In the public relations war over Israel’s judicial overhaul, Bibi sticks with selling himself...
How to Create Effective Employee Communication Channels
During a crisis, effective internal communications are key to protecting three things: your...
Effective Social Media Policy Can Prevent Reputational Fallout
By Erin Friedlander, Kessler PR Group “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” Ben...
Avoid Deletion! 4 Ways to Get Your Press Release Read
“Send out a press release!” That’s a cry we often hear from clients facing public criticism or...
What’s Your Crisis Communications Plan?
To quote Mike Tyson, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” The good news for...
Build Effective Media Relationships With the 3 “T”s
You can’t plan for a crisis. That’s what makes it a crisis, after all. However, you can do certain...
Do Respond to Bad Online Reviews – & Don’t Respond in These Ways
Imagine that you are the proud owner of a charming new coffee shop in your hometown. You’ve spent...